Saturday, January 31

Shepard Fairey : Character Approved

USA Network has announced the winners of the first-ever Character Approved Awards to honor individuals from a cross-section of creative disciplines who are positively influencing American culture. This years winner for Art is artist and street art sensation, Shepard Fairey. With a one-of-a-kind style and keen eye for design, Faireys unique approach to spreading art among the masses blended the worlds of pop culture and politics this past election cycle in a way no one could have ever predicted. His iconic HOPE image of President Barack Obama became a national sensation, recently being dedicated in the National Portrait Gallery at the Smithsonian. For more information on Shepard Fairey and the Character Approved Awards, click HERE.

Wednesday, January 28

De vorba cu IRLO

Interviu cu IRLO realizat de Raluca Ilaria Demetrescu.

Green Graffiti

Eco-minded street artist Edina Tokodi is putting a new spin on green guerilla tactics in the trendy art enclave of Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Tokodi’s site-specific moss installations of prancing animal figures and camouflage outgrowths are the talk of a local urban neighborhood typically accustomed to gallery hype and commercial real estate take-overs. Unlike the market-driven art featured in sterile, white box galleries, the work of Tokodi is meant to be touched, felt, and in turn touch you in the playful ways that her animated installations call to mind a more familiar, environmentally friendly state in the barren patches of urban existence.
Read more HERE.

Friday, January 23

Poze Expozitie Pisica Patrata

Cateva poze de la expozitia de ieri (Pisica Patrata).
Multumiri Galeriei MORA.

Wednesday, January 21

'Balloon Girl' by Banksy

"You´re bidding on an original artwork of world-famous street artist Banksy which was sprayed on a wall on Mona Road, Kingston, Jamaica, by the artist during a visit to the island in the year 2004. It is roughly 60 inches by 55 inches and about 7 inches thick. It weighs approximately 2000 pounds. Done by the artist in 2004 on Mona road in Kingston, Jamaica."
Buy It.

Tuesday, January 20

PisicaPatrata la Galeria MORA

22 ianuarie – 12 februarie 2009
vernisaj: 22 ianuarie, ora 19.00

Pisica Patrata inseamna street-art. Inseamna street-art romanesc. Inseamna street-art romanesc de calitate. Aceasta forma de arta se preteaza in egala masura pe zidurile cladirilor care au nevoie de pisica patrata pentru a nu se prabusi in indiferenta colectiva, cat si pe peretii eleganti ai unei galerii.
De regula, iarna pisica nu iese in strada, de aceea trebuie sa mergem in galerie pentru a o intalni.
Aceasta este si o perioada de evaluare. Selectia lucrarilor este facuta de catre autorul pisicii patrate – Alexandru Ciubotariu – care a strans lucrari realizate in ultima perioada, dar si schite si desene inedite, toate fatete ale aceluiasi personaj, Pisica Patrata. Chiar daca e vorba de stikere de cativa centimetri sau de murale de zeci de metri patrati, toate sunt reduse la dimensiuni miniaturale pentru a le creste valoarea, dar si pentru a reveni la forma initiala de la care au plecat, toate schitele avand dimensiuni mici. Fie ca e vorba de lucrari intregi sau detalii, fie ca sunt inca vii pe strazi sau de mult scorojite de vreme, toate sunt acum in galerie. Ele nu sunt rezultatul unei activitati de “peste noapte”, ci rodul catorva ani de lucru. Desigur si peretii galeriei pot servi antrenamentului atat de necesar artistului care se exprima astfel, lasand si acolo o mica amprenta a … pisicii patrate.
Un refugiu din strada in galerie inapoi pe strada...

Galeria MORA
Str. Grigore Mora, nr. 39, sector 1,
Zona statia de metrou Aviatorilor.
Cauta pe harta.

Sunday, January 18

House Of Meggs

Click HERE.



Sunday, January 11

Oil Is Thicker Than Blood

Tuesday, January 6

StreetArtLocator is a community google map mashup mapping street art the world over. You can find all aspects of street art here from Graffiti to the Galleries that host lowbrow exhibitions and street art produced using more formal Painting styles. Stickers are everywhere and quick slick way to get up, many go unnoticed except to the keen observer. Banksy and Blek Le Rat are the kings of the Stencil, these guys are only the tip of the iceberg with so many stencil artists across the globe there are plenty more to be discovered. Sculpture is pure old school street and wildely accepted but what about all the fantastic gorilla sculptures and installations.

Friday, January 2

Paper cuts

Illustrator/artist Robert Ryan paper cuts.
