Thursday, March 25


"INFAMY is an intense journey into the dangerous lives and obsessed minds of six of America’s most prolific graffiti artists. Directed by acclaimed filmmaker Doug Pray (“Hype!” and “Scratch”) who teamed up with writer, publisher, and graffiti guru Roger Gastman, the movie takes you deep into the world of street legends SABER, TOOMER, JASE, CLAW, EARSNOT, and ENEM.

With brutal honesty, humor and charisma, these artists reveal why they are so willing to risk everything to spray paint their cities with "tags," “throwups,” and full-color murals. You'll also meet Joe "THE GRAFFITI GUERRILLA" Connolly, a notorious “buffer” who paints out graffiti on his neighborhood’s walls with a vengeance matched only by those who vandalized them. From the streets of the South Bronx to the solitude of a San Francisco tunnel, from high atop a Hollywood billboard to North Philadelphia for a lesson in "Philly-style tags," from the Mexican border to a Cleveland train yard, INFAMY doesn't analyze or glorify graffiti... it takes you there and brings it to life.

- via the awesome No Limit

Tuesday, March 23

Romania vs. Basescu/Boc

Stencil din Cluj realizat de Kretzuh.

Wednesday, March 10

Razboiul primarului "cool" cu arta "cool" din Bucuresti

"Turistii cu spray-uri si artistii locali ar putea insa avea parte de o dezamagire. Primarul Bucurestilor cu cea mai nonconformista imagine a decretat razboi total "mazgaliturilor". In Marea Curatenie de primavara, Oprescu intentioneaza sa curete toti peretii acoperiti cu graffiti. "Nu sunt nici macar arta", spune edilul."
"Si Oprescu le-a promis artistilor un spatiu amenajat: un parc care se va construi, candva, in locul proiectului abandonat Esplanada, din centrul Capitalei. Acolo, primarul intentioneaza sa ridice cateva panouri albe, libere la vopsit. Insuficient insa pentru grafferi. Ce fel de arta stradala e cea din spatiile amenajate?!"
Citeste tot articolul pe ZIUAVECHE.RO

- via Bucharest Street
