URBANART si COLOR CLASH prezinta : AGREGATU' DE 4 ELEMENTE Data : 1 august 2009 Ora : 13:00 Locatie : Bucuresti, Parcul Herastrau, Intrarea principala(Charles de Gaulle) -via AeroArt
"... What’s your definition of the word “graffiti”?
B: I love graffiti. I love the word. Some people get hung up over it, but I think they’re fighting a losing battle. Graffiti equals amazing to me. Every other type of art compared to graffiti is a step down—no two ways about it. If you operate outside of graffiti, you operate at a lower level. Other art has less to offer people, it means less, and it’s weaker. I make normal paintings if I have ideas that are too complex or offensive to go out on the street, but if I ever stopped being a graffiti writer I would be gutted. It would feel like being a basket weaver rather than being a proper artist. ..." Read the rest HERE.
"My goal is to bring art to the streets. All pieces are painted using hand cut stencils and spray paint, no silk screening or mass production. Quality over quantity. Each takes several hours and is created as if I were painting on a canvas. For some twisted reason I love the fact that I put so much time and effort into each piece knowing that its not going to last forever, it will be subjected to both the natural and human elements and will change with time." 2:12
"Bristol's street art scene is extremely diverse and has many talented street artists at its forefront. This website aims to catalogue past and present work by collecting photographs and logging the location of these street art pieces. As the collection grows a unique picture of Bristol street art will emerge." bristol-street-art.co.uk
"Don't be shy, take a peek inside the shower curtain! The "naked truth" is only found by those who look. New installation/stencil works in Copenhagen, Denmark." goabove.com
Mariusz Waras a fost adus de Institutul Polonez cu ocazia celei de-a treia editii a Noptii Institutelor Culturale (26 iunie), pentru a lua parte la o demonstratie de 'Graffiti Live' impreuna cu cativa artisti romani. Mariusz Waras a venit cu proiectul sau, intitulat M-City, un proiect care are la baza spatiul urban cu aranjarea si rearanjarea sa, formand de fiecare data o structura noua si unica. Si astfel Bucurestiul s-a ales cu doua lucrari M-City, una aflata la Institul Polonez si cealalta pe gardul Uniunii Scriitorilor din Romania (undeva AICI).
"11 hand cut life-sized greyscale layers of the stencil "TO DIE FOR" by BOXI for REMAP KM 2 in Athens with ALPHA DELTA GALLERY. REMAP KM 2 is an event running parallel to the 2nd Athens biennial "HEAVEN". The working process shows filled and dusted layers with spraypaint to obtain 11 shades from white to black with 8 cans."
"URBAN AFFAIRS extended, presents in this second edition, an International selection of world renowned Urban and Streetart artist. Following the motto of the exhibition name this year, numerous external artistic projects, Galleries and institutions are invited to a new exhibition space in an reappropriated Berlin Swimming pool, with over 2,000 square meters of space available. The focus is on the reunification of Urban and contemporary art, interactive performances site specific works with the utilisation of public spaces." Flickr / Website / Ekosystem