Monday, September 28

Descopera Bucuresti ID 3

"Descopera Bucuresti ID 3
Sambata 3 Octombrie, 2009/ The Ark

Iata-ne, asa cum am promis, la o a treia Misiune Urban Guerrilla. Inscrierile au inceput si te invitam sa participi.

De data aceasta te invitam la o competitie de ‘Chalk Graffiti’, in fata cladirii Ark, sambata 3 Octombrie 2009.

Hai sambata dimineata, in echipa sau singur, incarcat cu idei despre cum poti “colora” identitatea zonei Rahova- Uranus. Pentru a te ajuta sa-ti conturezi ideile iti vom pune la dispozitie creta colorata si 2 mp de asfalt. Vom inchide strada pentru tine asa ca vei avea spatiu si libertate pentru a te exprima.
Citeste mai multe AICI.

Saturday, September 26

Bomb It

You can watch Bomb It on-line HERE.

Friday, September 25

STREET ARTISTS : The Complete Guide

STREET ARTISTS : The Complete Guide

"The comprehensive guide to the world’s 50 best street artists. Includes the up-and-coming as well as the established greats – Banksy, Shepard Fairey, Swoon, Blek le Rat – from the world’s major Street Art locations: New York, LA, London, Paris, Berlin, Tokyo, San Francisco and Melbourne."

Saturday, September 19

When In Rome


Wednesday, September 9

Dave Kinsey - Interview
