Friday, October 30


"In an effort to establish new platforms for public art and performance, the multimedia duo SWEATSHOPPE has developed a new interactive technology that enables them to explore the relationship between video, mark making and architecture. Dubbed "video painting", this technology allows them to essentially "paint" video onto any surface. Shooting in Queens, Brooklyn, and Manhattan, the duo spent weeks documenting their work in urban settings to create "The Landing" the first in a series of episodes that showcases their work as artist, technologist and performers."

- via The Orion

Tuesday, October 27


Update : Nu se mai tine.

Vineri, 30 Octombrie 2009, in Club A (locatie AICI) de la ora 18! Pentru cunoscatori, fani, writeri, readeri, si in general, orice nea sau tanti interesat/a de arta urbana! Prezentare de film "BUCHAREST", productie graff autohtona, o discutie sau doua, moderate de Mihai Vartejaru (Hyper).

Studentiada 2009 : Stencil Workshop

De pe 26 pana pe 30 noiembrie in cadrul festivalului studentesc roman, Studentiada, in parcare la Dumars (locatie AICI) se desfasoara un mic stencil workshop. Check it out!

Wednesday, October 21

Living Decay (fairy tales in the middle of nowhere)

Living Decay este un documentar/filmulet realizat in 2008 de Nulliversi, avand ca protagonisti pe Dolk si Pøbel, doi artisti talentati din Norvegia, care fac niste stenciluri absolut spectaculoase, intr-o zona mai retrasa a Norvegiei pe case care urmeaza sa fie demolate.
Pe langa film, mai exista si niste poze care le gasiti AICI.

- via Nuart

Monday, October 19

Color in Motion III

Quintessenz Creation au facut o animatie stop-motion foarte interesanta folosind culori si tehnici diferite de vopsire. Au profitat de niste spatii abandonate din Germania si au facut niste clipuri foarte frumoase. Pe langa cel prezentat mai au si Color in Motion II si Color in Motion I la fel de interesante.

Saturday, October 17

OBEY in Europe

Saturday, October 10

Asbestos Lost Stickers

Thursday, October 8

How Can I Tell Her We Are Both Just Stencils?

How Can I Tell Her We Are Both Just Stencils?
- via


"a collaborative animation by Blu and David Ellis"

Tuesday, October 6

Dr D vs. Brown and Cameron

"A short documentary following London's hardest working Street Artist Dr D around the time of the expenses scandal."

Logan Hicks timelapse for NuArt 09
